Video Lectures Module 4: Qualitative Analysis, Interpretation and Representation
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Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation
Theoretical Background and Introduction
Key principles and Analytic Devices
An example from a Study of Work Injury
Presenter: Dr. Joan Eakin, University of Toronto (Emerita)
Suggested Readings
Jardine, D. (1992). The fecundity of the individual case: considerations of the pedagogic heart of interpretive work, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 26(1), 51-61.
Becker, H. (1993). How I learned what a crock was. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 22(1), 28-35.
Sandelowski, M. (1993). Theory unmasked: the uses and guises of theory in qualitative research. Research in Nursing and Health, 16, 213-218.
Frost, N. et al (2010). Pluralism in qualitative research: the impact of different researchers and qualitative approaches on the analysis of qualitative data, Qualitative Research 10(4), 441-460.
Creative Representations for Knowledge Mobilization
Presenter: Dr. Lisbeth A. Berbary, University of Waterloo
Suggested Readings
Berbary, L.A. (2011). Post-structural writerly representation: Screenplay as creative analytic practice, Qualitative Inquiry, 17(2), 186-196.
Berbary, L. A. (2015). Creative analytic practices: Onto-epistemological and theoretical attachments, uses, and constructions within humanist qualitative leisure research. International Leisure Review, 2(4), 27-55.
Berbary, L.A. & Boles, J.C. (2014) Eight points for reflection: Revisiting scaffolding for improvisational humanist qualitative inquiry. Leisure Sciences, 36(5), 401-419.
Berbary, L. A., & Guzman, C. (Artist). (2017). We exist: Combating erasure through creative analytic comix about Bisexuality. Qualitative Inquiry, 1-21. doi:
Lather, P. (2013). Methodology-21: What do we do in the afterward? International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(6), 634-645.
Parry, D. C., & Johnson, C. W. (2007). Contextualizing leisure research to encompass complexity in lived leisure experience: The need for creative analytic practice. Leisure Sciences, 29(2), 119-130.