Western Region
In the western region of Ontario, six universities offer enrolment in graduate-level qualitative methods courses in the health sciences for non-degree students: Brock University in St. Catharines, McMaster University in Hamilton, the University of Western Ontario in London, the University of Guelph, the University of Waterloo, and Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo.
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
- AHSC 5P07 – Qualitative Approaches, Theories and Methods (taught by Dawn Trussell; dtrussell@brocku.ca)
- AHSC 5P17 – Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation (taught by Dawn Trussell and Jarold Cosby; dtrussell@brocku.ca, jcosby@brocku.ca)
- AHSC 7P17 – Advanced Qualitative Analysis (taught by Dawn Trussell; dtrussell@brocku.ca)
- MPHA 5P02 – Qualitative Research: Interviewing and Beyond (taught by Miya Narushima; mnarushima@brocku.ca)
Department of Health, Aging and Society
- HLTH AGE 714 – Qualitative and Historical Methods in Studies of Health and Aging (taught by Meridith Griffin; griffmb@mcmaster.ca)
School of Rehabilitation Sciences
- RS 772 – Introduction to Qualitative Research (taught by Stephen Gentles; gentlesj@mcmaster.ca)
School of Rehabilitation Sciences/Health Research Methodology Program/School of Nursing
- NUR/HRM/RS 745 – Qualitative Health Research Methods (taught by Susan Jack and Janet Landeen; jacksm@mcmaster.ca, landeen@mcmaster.ca)
- RS/HRM/NUR 758 – Qualitative Research Methods for Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data (taught by Sandra Moll; molls@mcmaster.ca)
The University of Western Ontario
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Program
- HS 9602A – Qualitative Research Methods in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (taught by Debbie Laliberte Rudman; drudman@uwo.ca)
- HS 9730B – Philosophical Foundations of Qualitative Research (taught by Elizabeth Anne Kinsella; akinsell@uwo.ca)
School of Nursing
- Nursing 9663 – Interpretive and Critical Research Methodologies (taught by Marilyn Evans; mevans26@uwo.ca)
- Nursing 9684 – Advanced Qualitative Research Methodologies (taught by Marilyn Evans; mevans26@uwo.ca)
Department of Women’s Studies and Feminist Research
- WS 9464 – Feminist Methodologies (taught by Jessica Polzer; jpolzer@uwo.ca)
Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
- FRAN 6020/NTRI 6020 – Qualitative Research Methods (taught by Hannah Tait Neufeld; hannahtn@uoguelph.ca)
Department of Psychology
- PSYC 6950 – Qualitative Methods in Psychology (taught by Kieran O’Doherty; odohertk@uoguelph.ca)
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
- AHS 600 – Qualitative Methods in Health Research (taught by Elena Neiterman; elena.neiterman@uwaterloo.ca)
School of Public Health and Health Systems
HLTH 704 – Advanced Qualitative Research in the Health Sciences (taught by Ellen MacEachen and Kitty Corbett; ellen.maceachen@uwaterloo.ca, kit.corbett@uwaterloo.ca)
Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
- REC 663 – Foundations for Qualitative Inquiry (taught by Corey Johnson; corey.johnson@uwaterloo.ca)
- REC 673 – Designing Advanced Qualitative Inquiry (taught by Bryan Grimwood; bgrimwood@uwaterloo.ca)
Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education
- KP 621 – Qualitative Research Design and Analysis (taught by Margaret Schneider; mschneider@wlu.ca)
Faculty of Social Work
- SK 805 – Applied Qualitative Research Methods (taught by Michael Woodford; mwoodford@wlu.ca)
- SK 615 – Research 2 (taught by Charles Gyan; cgyan@wlu.ca)
How to take a course
Individuals may take a graduate course at Brock for professional or personal interest with the approval of the graduate program. More information is available at: https://brocku.ca/webcal/2016/graduate/admi.html#sec16. The registration form is available at: https://brocku.ca/graduate-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/Application-for-Non-Degree-Graduate-Courses-Registration-FF33244.pdf
Prospective students wishing to take courses without enrolling in a degree program may apply to the appropriate department as a post-degree student. Admissions and registration must be approved by the School of Graduate Studies. Students register and pay fees as undergraduates. More information is available at: http://future.mcmaster.ca/admission/admission-requirements
Individuals who wish to take graduate courses without enrolling in a degree program must contact the program of interest for permission. Contact information for each program can be found at: http://grad.uwo.ca/prospective_students/programs/index.cfm
Anyone wishing to take a course without enrolling in a degree program at Guelph must already hold an undergraduate or graduate degree from a recognized university or the equivalent and can apply as a non-degree student. Official transcripts must be submitted with the application. More information is available at: https://admission.uoguelph.ca/postdegree
Non-degree graduate students may take one or more graduate courses by applying for non-degree admission. Applicants must have earned an honours bachelor’s degree or the equivalent. More information is available at: https://uwaterloo.ca/graduate-studies-academic-calendar/general-information-and-regulations/non-degree-students
Non-degree seeking students must have earned an honours bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in order to qualify for admission to courses. Admission is contingent on approval of the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and the program coordinator. More information is available at: https://www.wlu.ca/admissions-toolkits/graduate-admissions-toolkit/step-1-applying/general-graduate-student-non-degree-seeking.html